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Holo Foundation

Bridge research, innovation, and industry throughout the world for the benefit of all.

About Us

At Holo Foundation, we empower small and medium-sized enterprises to foster collaborative thinking with digital transformation to further drive business innovation. By closing the loop on market penetration and metaverse and blockchain
technologies, we help businesses grow and expand
their portfolio and recognition through optimized user experiences.


A boldly inclusive, mobilized, and global innovation-inspired and value-oriented community
that ignites, enables, and celebrates technological excellence and science-informed business decisions and actions.

Our History

Based in New York and founded in 2023, the Holo Foundation is a government registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization specializing in servicing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with digital transformation. The Holo Foundation has established its leadership in three pillar fields: industrial restructuring and integration, metaverse, and blockchain. We are a value-oriented team dedicated to exploring, understanding and harnessing the power of blockchain technology to bring about a more transparent and secure world sharing equal access to global resources, superior forces and comprehensive innovation. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to lead SMEs’ business expansion and innovation by creating an ecosystem for the deep integration of industry practice and technology research. 

Our Vision

Driven by a vision of humanity, our ultimate goal is to build a new commercial civilization with pioneering spirit as well as seamless cooperation for the actual industry scenarios and the future world of cutting-edge research through computer science and holography, quantum computing, metaverse and other related fields.

Our Client

Together, we will define the extension of the metaverse ecology and the exploration of future metaverse trends, scenario applications and technology iterations. Our clients include forward-thinking elites:

Who are passionate 

about holographic industry ideas

Who have exclusive insights

of the metaverse

Who seek to improve

blockchain technology

Holo Foundation is guided by the following strategic goals:

Advance technological excellence and achievement
Foster equity and inclusion for research excellence
Build trust among scientists, entrepreneurs, communities
Catalyze progress where academia meets industry

Holo Foundation recognizes, inspires, and enables a robust research ecosystem that drives discovery and innovation and prepares future entrepreneurs. Seize more first-mover advantages through advanced technology in the metaverse era that has already arrived. Enhance the research and development capability of Micromax Holographic and improve the comprehensive strength.

Holo Foundation fosters the diverse, equitable, open, and inclusive scientific enterprise that is essential for business advancement.

Holo Foundation builds trust among scientists, engineers, business professionals and broader communities and is a valued source of accurate scientific information that is foundational to countering misinformation.

Holo Foundation provides actionable evidence for academic research that serves business and promotes ecosystems that enable equal access to relevant global resources. 

Upcoming Events:
Holo Metaverse Ecology Summit

The Summit will be a groundbreaking event in the industry, bringing together more than 20,000 top-notch experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders to discuss the latest achievements and opportunities in the field. The professional get-together highlights their enterprise faith that the metaverse can offer new opportunities of digitalization along with the promotion of a healthy global industrial economy. 



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